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As you may have heard, there's been some last minute changes to the Geek'd Con lineup and schedule. We had a couple people that can't make it this weekend due to illness. Kevin Smith extended his stay in Shreveport for the weekend. Things have just changed, which happens.

But, with change, comes opportunity. With that shifting schedule, that added more time and availability. I say all that to say this: If you missed out on pre-ordering Kevin Smith photo ops, you now have the opportunity to buy them on site for both Saturday & Sunday. And that doesn't end with just Kevin Smith, all photo ops will be available for purchase on site. However, these new spots are if you want one, make sure you swing by the Froggy's photos booth to buy one.

*Times/Availability are subject to change*

Here's the new photo op schedule for the weekend:


6:15 Marilyn Singles
6:20 Clerks 3 Brian/Jeff/Marilyn
6:30 Clerks Duo Brian/Jeff
6:40 Brian/Jeff Singles
11:30 Veronica Taylor
11:40 Steven Universe Trio
11:50 Deedee/Estelle/Michaela Singles
12:00 Godfather/Papa Shango
12:10 Kurt Angle
12:20 Colton Haynes
12:30 Irene Bedard
12:40 Richard Harmon
12:55 Sam Witwer
1:15 Barry Lowin
1:25 Dorian Kingi
1:35 Chris Bartlett
1:45 Sean Biggerstaff
1:55 Brandon Routh
2:05PM - Nadi Jeter
2:15PM - David Howard Thornton
2:20PM - Colton Haynes
2:30PM - Joey Lauren Adams
2:40PM - Clerks Duo (Brian/Jeff)
2:50PM - Clerks Trio (Brian/Jeff/Marilyn)
2:55PM - Harley/Jennifer Singles
3:00PM - Kevin Smith singles
3:15PM - Family (Kevin/Jennifer/Harley)
3:30PM - Jay & Silent Bob (Kevin/Jason)
4:00PM - Clerks 4-person (Kevin/Jason/Brian/Jeff)
4:10PM - Clerks 5-person (Kevin/Jason/Brian/Jeff/Marilyn)
4:15PM - Jason Mewes
4:30 Sam Witwer
4:40 Brandon Routh
4:50 David Howard Thornton
5:00 Ross Marquand
5:15 Richard Harmon
5:30 Sean Biggerstaff
11:30 Veronica Taylor
11:40 Steven Universe Trio
11:45 Deedee/Estelle/Michaela Singles
12:15 Barry Lowin
12:20 Dorian Kingi
12:30 Chris Bartlett
12:40 Sam Witwer
12:50 Brandon Routh
1:00PM - Kevin Smith singles
1:15PM -  Family (Kevin/Jennifer/Harley)
1:20PM - Harley/Jennifer Singles
1:25PM - Jay & Silent Bob (Kevin/Jason)
1:45PM - Mallrats photo op (Kevin, Joey, Brian, & Jason)
1:50 Joey Lauren Adams
1:55 Clerks 3 Brian/Jeff/Marilyn
2:00 Clerks Duo Brian/Jeff
2:05 Brian/Jeff Singles
2:10 Brandon Routh
2:30 Sean Biggerstaff
2:40 Godfather
3:00 David Howard Thornton
3:10 Colton Haynes
3:20 Irene Bedard
3:30 Nadi Jeter
3:40 Richard Harmon
3:50 Ross Marquand

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