Schedule & Events
Thanks for attending Geek'd Con 2022
After catching our breath after a LONG week, we got a lot of thank yous to get to so stay with us for a bit.
We'd like to thank our sponsors & friends who helped make everything happen. The U.S. Air Force Recruiting, United States Space Force, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army, Pizza Hut, The Gamers XP, Landers Dodge Chrysler Jeep RAM, Johnny's Pizza House, Excalibur Comics, Cards & Games, Bear's, Sci-Port Discovery Center, Hurricane Alley LIVE, Fat Tuesday Sandwich Shop & Bakery, Riverport Bar-B-Que, Notini's Italian Restaurant, Scout Comics, Krewe of Barkus & Meoux, Shreveport Mudbugs Hockey, Shreveport Regional Arts Council, JSA Certification, Next Level Grades, Shreveport Limousine, the Bast Alpha Garrison, Hannah Riann Cosplay, Michael Byrnes aka Superman, InSymmetry Creations, LLC, LeVette Fuller City Councilwoman, CyPhaCon, Huntsville Comic & Pop Culture Expo, Dallas Comic Show and Renee's Run. We're probably missing a few businesses and people. I know a lot of people see 'sponsor' and think money...but these guys all provide so much more than that. In a lot of cases, this event would not be possible without their help. Also, a big shout out to all the great vendors who brought all sorts of awesome & unique goodies for us.
We'd like to thank all our guests. Every single one of them were awesome and gave everybody an experience they'll never forget. From Matthew Lillard to Roland Paris, Jeff Daniel Phillips to Brian Steward. Jamie Kennedy to Clint Howard. Skeet Ulrich, Bryan SilverBax, Danhausen: Wrestler, Darby Allin, Cooper Andrews, Dustin Rhodes, John Kassir...Whatever name you want to toss out there. Top to bottom, everybody was an absolute delight. And trust us, that's not always the case.
And last, but certainly not least, THANK YOU to all the fans that attended this weekend. We know the economy is a little screwy right now, so we appreciate every single one of you guys that showed up and showed out this weekend. You guys BROUGHT it with amazing cosplay and an amazing attitudes. As we were roaming the floors, we saw SO MANY people helping each other out and just generally being awesome to each other. Not everything was perfect: The weather didn't always want to cooperate, not everything went according to plan, I'm sure we missed some questions here and there, and not everything was perfect all the time for one reason or another. But with all that said, 99.9% of you were amazing, understanding, and had a willingness to jump in and help someone else out even though you were just there to enjoy the show. We were ALL moved by your kindness, your passion and your ability to be good humans in any circumstance.
You guys each and every year make this show worth all the blood, sweat and tears it takes to make it happen. We cannot thank you enough. Truly, and from the bottom of our hearts, we love each and every one of you.
Thank you. Thank You. THANK YOU.