Netflix has released the official trailer for its upcoming Midwestern Gothic drama The Devil All The Time, based on Donald Ray Pollock’s award-winning novel. Directed by Antonio Campos, the film spans the course of two decades in between World War II and the Vietnam War. Tom Holland stars as Arvin Russell, a young man who is surrounded by all sorts of sinister characters in the town of Knockemstiff, Ohio. Check out the trailer below:

The clip features quite a few high-profile actors, including Robert Pattinson as a corrupt preacher, Jason Clarke and Riley Keough as a mysterious couple, and Sebastian Stan as a stone-faced sherrif. The cast is rounded out by Bill Skarsgård, Haley Bennett, Eliza Scanlen, and Mia Wasikowska. That's one hell of a cast, especially for a film that's headed straight to Netflix's streaming platform. In fact, everything about The Devil All The Time screams for a wide theatrical release. But with the current state of movie theaters in America, that's not going to be likely.

Still, straight-to-Netflix summer fare The Old Guard and The Kissing Booth 2 broke streaming records for the platform. So the decision to make The Devil All The Time available globally could be the route for maximum viewership. However, this movie is a much more intimate portrait of evangelical post-war life, so it might not have the same commercial appeal as the two aforementioned movies. Still, The Devil All The Time looks well-shot and well-acted (with some knockout accent work by Mr. Pattinson), and that should be enough of a reason to give it a watch.

The Devil All The Time debuts globally September 16.

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