Red June

Red June Opens Beartrap Summer Festival 2012 [PHOTOS]
Red June Opens Beartrap Summer Festival 2012 [PHOTOS]
Red June Opens Beartrap Summer Festival 2012 [PHOTOS]
As the sun gets brighter and the day gets warmer, Beartrap Summer Festival 2012 is kicking off in a big way. Leading the charge, and opening the festival is Red June. This band from Asheville, NC is exactly what Beartrap is about. They're bluegrass in the truest sense of the word, and one can tell immediately that they take immense joy in what they're doing. These pics prove that.
Red June’s Tunes Range From Vintage to Original
Red June’s Tunes Range From Vintage to Original
Red June’s Tunes Range From Vintage to Original
When your band is named after an heirloom variety of apple, it's only a matter of time until some music critic plays the “cider” card. But with the distinctive sound of North Carolina's Red June, the metaphor is especially apt: “Beautifully distilled original Americana,” as one review puts it. “A dynamic yet refined sound that features striking three-part harmonies, tasteful instrumental work, and