Warner Bros. May Delete ‘Coyote vs. Acme’ Film PermanentlyWarner Bros. May Delete ‘Coyote vs. Acme’ Film PermanentlyA new report claims the studio’s asking price for the shelved film is very high.Matt SingerMatt Singer
John Cena Admits He Was ‘Wrong’ for Criticizing This About Dwayne Johnson’s CareerJohn Cena Admits He Was ‘Wrong’ for Criticizing This About Dwayne Johnson’s Career"I'm sorry."Donny MeachamDonny Meacham
‘Peacemaker’ Will Return For Season 2 on HBO Max‘Peacemaker’ Will Return For Season 2 on HBO MaxI hope Eagly has a good agent.Matt SingerMatt Singer
‘Peacemaker’s Opening Credits Justify the Entire Show‘Peacemaker’s Opening Credits Justify the Entire ShowBest. Credits. Ever.Matt SingerMatt Singer
John Cena Says ‘The Suicide Squad’ Isn’t a Sequel or A RebootJohn Cena Says ‘The Suicide Squad’ Isn’t a Sequel or A RebootCena plays Peacemaker in the film.Claire EptingClaire Epting
‘The Suicide Squad’ Trailer: They’re Dying to Save the World‘The Suicide Squad’ Trailer: They’re Dying to Save the WorldWatch the trailer for James Gunn’s new superhero sequel.Matt SingerMatt Singer