Watch ‘Deadpool”s Ryan Reynolds Crash An ‘X-Men’ Cast Reunion
As a part of Global Citizen's Global Goal: Unite for Our Future fundraising event this past weekend, Hugh Jackman led a virtual reunion for the cast of X-Men. Featured guests included Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart, and Ian McKellen.
Everything goes well for a brief moment, before the conversation is hijacked by an unwelcome visitor: Ryan Reynolds, a.k.a. Deadpool. Soon, it becomes a competition of who can leave the chat soonest. Watch the full clip below:
We all know Deadpool knows how to crash a party. While you could technically consider him as a part of the X-Men franchise, he's never fought alongside the rest of the gang onscreen. That doesn't stop him from inserting himself into the reunion, even though he doesn't have much to contribute.
And yep, things get awkward pretty fast. One by one, each cast member leaves in favor of a different reunion — Sophie Turner's got a Game of Thrones reunion, James McAvoy is on his way to a Split reunion, and so on. Eventually, it's just Jackman and Reynolds... until they're joined by Liev Schreiber (Sabretooth). Schreiber observes that the call has become an X-Men Origins: Wolverine reunion. He's not wrong.
Obviously, Reynolds' appearance was premeditated. But that doesn't stop the clip from being organically funny. We wouldn't be surprised if Reynolds came up with the idea to participate in the Zoom call himself.
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