Moon Knight has arrived on Disney+ and with it, a whole new corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to explore. The series focuses on Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac), a humble museum gift shop clerk who discovers he has multiple identities, including a mercenary named Marc Spector and a superhero named Moon Knight, a mystical warrior imbued with powers and a special costume from the Egyptian god Khonshu.

Over the years, Moon Knight has had a lot of subtle variations in Marvel Comics. Sometimes he’s invented alternate identities as disguises to aid in his superheroic activities; other times he suffers from dissociative identity disorder and these alternate identites are something he cannot control. In our latest Moon Knight video, we explore exactly which versions of the comics this new TV series comes from. We also look at the Egyptian myths that serve as the basis for Khonshu and the rest of the gods on this show, and we give even more background about Steven Grant, Marc Spector, and Moon Knight. Watch all the Easter eggs below:

If you liked that video on all the Easter eggs in the series premiere of Moon Knight, check out more of our videos below, including how Kingpin will become a central figure in the Marvel Cinematic universe, how Deadpool might join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and how the X-Men might join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Plus, there’s tons more videos over at ScreenCrush’s YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to catch all our future episodes. New episodes of Moon Knight, premiere weekly on Wednesdays on Disney+.

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The Coolest Eternals Easter Eggs

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