The 2014 Beartrap Summer Festival is upon us.  Do you know everything you need to know?  Do you have everything you need to have?  To help prepare you for the best weekend of the summer, here is the 2014 Beartrap Summer Festival survival guide.

The Rules of Beartrap Summer Festival:

1. Everyone there should have a wristbands or lanyard visible on the event grounds or you will be asked to leave by the security staff.

2. Dogs are allowed on the Festival grounds only with leash and visible dog tags.  Look for our new dog potty stations(includes sacks and place to dispose of the little bag) and PLEASE pick up after Fido.

3. NO GLASS CONTAINERS on festival grounds. PLEASE dispose of trash in proper receptacles.

4. NO taping unless permitted by artist. Cameras are allowed.

5. NO TENTS in staging area.  Only allowed in designated area, look for the signs.

6. Umbrellas can be used but please be courteous to your neighbor, we want everyone to be able to see the show.

7. No camping in the meadow unless in designated area and with proper credentials.

8. Stage and artist area is closed to walk through traffic. Campers in the Beartrap Meadow park area will have to use the meadow to get to and from the festival.

9. No Smoking in the meadow except in designated areas.

Some Additional Guidelines & Helpful Tips:

1. Be prepared for all weather conditions.

2. Bring sun screen and drink lots of water in the heat of the day.

3. When the sun goes down be sure to have another layer of clothing to put on.

4. Be prepared for afternoon showers, you never know.

5. Coolers fine, but please no glass.

6. Medical tent available during hours of the festival.

7. If lost or found something please bring to the general store.  We will try to find its owner.

8. Parking:  There will be many levels of parking.  Shuttle buses will be available to take people to and from the different levels from 10:00 AM to 7:30 PM.  The Round-up Club will be on horseback directing people what level they should be parking on and where there are spaces left.  Please be nice to the people trying help with the parking.

9. Last but not least,  HAVE FUN!  If you have any questions, look for the Beartrap Staff, they will help you out.

Music Festival Experience

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